I warmly invite you to join me in my artistic exploration, as I work and play with the ultimate creator, Life Itself. I am fascinated by the myriad manifestations of life:
uniquely individual, yet inseparable from the whole: every being, every flower, every rust bloom, every brush-stroke, every atom. Everything consists of patterns when you get down to it - infinite combinations of something and nothing, duality and oneness, darkness and light, sound and form, all intertwining endlessly. Through my creative ventures, I endeavour to give expression to a little of that playful essence, and share the results with others who delight in the wonders of being alive - Jay

Download your FREE COPY of ‘ART FOR A NEW PARADIGM’ as a PDF eBook - a comprehensive collection of my original paintings from 2009 - 2012 as full-colour, high resolution photographs, accompanied by inspired text. A gift from me to you which I hope you will enjoy :o)

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